Milestones of Aspiration: Daffodil Polytechnic Institute Students Illuminate the 53rd Victory Day with Dreams of Progress

On 16th December In a dazzling display of national pride and unwavering spirit, Daffodil Polytechnic Institute orchestrated a triumphant celebration on December 16th, marking the hallowed Victory Day in Bangladesh. This grand commemoration not only paid homage to the historic triumph of 1971 but also showcased the institute’s commitment to fostering creativity, reflection, and holistic well-being.

The decorated rally started from Academic Building 1 to Academic Building 2 and ended.The jubilation commenced with an exhilarating rally, a majestic procession that saw a united front of students, faculty, and staff, adorned in the resplendent colors of the national flag, marching with unparalleled enthusiasm across the institute grounds. The crescendo of this display was the heart-stirring Flag-Raising Ceremony, where the national flag ascended to the morning sky a poignant tribute to the hard-fought victory that birthed the sovereign nation of Bangladesh. During this time the students and teachers sing the national anthem and simultaneously the national flag is hoisted.

Highlighting the occasion were two luminaries—Freedom Fighter Nazir Ahmed (Sector No. 4, Beanibazar, Sylhet, Gazette 44), a living legend and eyewitness to the struggle for independence, and Eng. Azharul Islam, the esteemed former Principal of Dhaka Polytechnic and Daffodil Polytechnic Institute. Their inspirational keynote addresses seamlessly intertwined personal narratives with historical context, underscoring the pivotal role of education in preserving the spirit of liberation.The freedom fighter said that where your campus is standing today was not like that during the war of 1971,the days of that time were very horrible procession of corpses continued everyone was worried but we had courage in our hearts this confidence that our conviction was the attitude which drove us forward.

As a token of gratitude, the institute bestowed flowers and crests upon these distinguished speakers, symbolizing profound appreciation for their invaluable contributions to the collective memory of Victory Day.

Taking the celebration beyond symbolism, Career Launchpad organized a free health check-up campaign, embodying the institute’s unwavering commitment to the holistic well-being of its vibrant community. Medical professionals and volunteers rendered essential health services, turning the celebration into a tangible demonstration of care and compassion. On 14th & 16th December, Career Launchpad specifically organized a free health checkup for students and teachers, extending their benevolence to emphasize a lot for poor people as well.

The campus pulsated with creative energy as students participated in an exhilarating art and essay competition, challenging their intellectual and artistic prowess. The themes centered around the profound essence of Victory Day, promoting a deeper understanding of historical significance while fostering a culture of creativity and expression.

Echoing the spirit of Victory Day, the Students of DPI adorned its walls with a powerful testament – a tapestry of red-green handprints symbolizing unity and national pride.

The cultural extravaganza that followed was nothing short of a visual and auditory feast, featuring poetry recitations, musical performances, and dance routines that transcended the boundaries of artistic expression. Students showcased their talents, painting an evocative picture of patriotism through the rhythmic flow of words, harmonies of songs, and graceful movements of dance.

The day reached its zenith with a dazzling prize-giving ceremony, an opulent affair that recognized and celebrated the outstanding contributions of participants in the art and essay competition. Certificates of appreciation were distributed, serving as tangible symbols of the institute’s recognition of the dedication and effort put forth by every participant.

At the event’s conclusion, the air resonated with the echoes of victory songs, composed with heartfelt fervor, creating a powerful ambiance. The dual environment of patriotic self-development talks and instilling compassion among students to love their country added an enriching layer to the festivities, underscoring Daffodil Polytechnic Institute’s dedication to nurturing a generation that not only celebrates its history but actively contributes to the flourishing future of the nation.

Event Video

As the sun gracefully set on the Victory Day celebrations at Daffodil Polytechnic Institute, the echoes of patriotic expressions, the vibrant hues of the national flag, and the creative fervor lingered in the air. This monumental day was not merely a commemoration; it was a resounding promise to honor the sacrifices of the past, nurture the talents of the present, and inspire a future generation that carries the torch of liberation and progress.

Remembering the Sacrifice: Daffodil Polytechnic Institute Observe Martyr Intellectual Day With Cognitive & Humanity Practice

On 14th December 2023 Daffodil Polytechnic Institute, a beacon of academic excellence, observed the solemn occasion of Shaheed Buddhijibi Dibosh on December 14th, focusing on humanizing students and fostering knowledge, in line with its commitment to holistic education. The institute acknowledges the profound importance of Martyred Intellectuals Day in the life of the nation, a day that carries immense historical and cultural significance.

Shaheed Buddhijibi Dibosh pays tribute to the 1,111 intellectuals who sacrificed their lives during the Liberation War of 1971, embodying the enduring spirit of Bangladesh’s pursuit of knowledge and freedom. Daffodil Polytechnic Institute recognizes the crucial role intellectuals play in shaping the destiny of a nation and celebrates this day every year with great dignity.

This year’s commemoration featured various activities designed to deepen student’s understanding of the sacrifices made by intellectuals during the war. In addition to academic pursuits, the institute’s commemorative event aimed to instill a deep sense of humanity in its students, emphasizing the importance of character development and social responsibility.

Amidst the activities, it is crucial to reflect on the profound importance of Martyred Intellectuals Day. This day serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by individuals who laid down their lives for the ideals of knowledge, freedom, and national sovereignty. It is a testament to the indomitable spirit of intellectualism that continues to shape the nation.

Daffodil Polytechnic Institute proudly hosted all activities dedicated to National Intellectual Day, further reinforcing its commitment to acknowledging and honoring the sacrifices made by intellectuals during the Liberation War of 1971. By being the venue for these significant activities, the institute played a pivotal role in creating an environment for reflection and remembrance.

In conjunction with the commemorative event, Daffodil Polytechnic Institute organized various programs to deepen students’ understanding of the role of intellectuals in society. An impromptu essay writing competition engaged students in exploring the documentation of the self-sacrifice of intellectuals, fostering a thoughtful and introspective atmosphere.

Students, as part of their engagement, carefully watched the documentary related to National Martyrs Intellectual Day on December 14th and wrote summaries from their own intellectual thoughts, adding a layer of personal reflection to the commemorative activities.

The institute’s belief in humanizing students extends to their overall well-being. Understanding the importance of health in the life of an intellectual, free health checkups were arranged on December 14th and 16th through the Career Launchpad initiative.

More than 700 students, teachers, and underserved individuals participated in the health checkups, emphasizing the institute’s commitment to the holistic development of its community.

Daffodil Polytechnic Institute remains steadfast in its mission to produce intellectually sound and socially responsible individuals who contribute positively to society and the nation. By commemorating Martyred Intellectuals Day, the institute reinforces its dedication to creating an environment where knowledge is not only gained for the students but also ensures the betterment of humanity.

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Implement AWS Academy in the Diploma Sector in Bangladesh

The world is increasingly becoming digital, and cloud computing has emerged as a pivotal technology that drives this transformation. In today’s interconnected and data-driven world, the demand for cloud computing skills is soaring. As a result, educational institutions are seeking ways to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in this digital age. Amazon Web Services (AWS), with its AWS Academy program, presents an incredible opportunity to bridge the skills gap in the diploma sector in Bangladesh.

History of AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has a rich history that has transformed the way organizations and individuals access and utilize computing resources. Founded in 2006, AWS began as a subsidiary of, Inc. and quickly emerged as a leader in the cloud computing industry. AWS’s journey can be summarized in a few key milestones:

-2002 : The platform was launched

-2003 : Concept was reformulated with standardized plans

-2004 : The first service (Simple Queue Service) launched for public usage

– 2006: AWS is officially launched, offering cloud computing services that include storage, computing, and databases.

– 2010: The introduction of Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) enhances network security and connectivity in the cloud.

– 2012: AWS GovCloud is introduced to support government agencies and organizations with strict compliance requirements.

– 2013: AWS offers its first-ever certification, the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate, marking the beginning of its certification program.

– 2015: AWS Lambda is launched, providing serverless computing capabilities.

– 2017: AWS announces the Deep Learning Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for artificial intelligence and machine learning workloads.

– 2020: The launch of AWS Outposts allows customers to run AWS infrastructure on-premises, extending the AWS cloud to their data centers.

– 2021: AWS continues to innovate with services like Amazon SageMaker, a fully managed machine learning service, and the AWS Nitro System, which powers EC2 instances for enhanced performance and security.

Today, AWS is a global leader in cloud services, serving millions of customers worldwide, including startups, enterprises, public sector organizations, and individuals.

AWS Academy History

The AWS Academy program is an initiative by AWS to bridge the skills gap in cloud computing. The program was designed to equip educational institutions with the resources and support needed to teach cloud computing effectively. Here’s a brief history of AWS Academy:

2017: AWS Academy was officially launched, aiming to provide educators with AWS-authorized curriculum, hands-on labs, and faculty training resources.

2018: The AWS Academy program expanded its reach, partnering with educational institutions globally to offer cloud computing courses.

2019: AWS Academy introduced an accreditation program for educators, allowing them to become AWS Academy Accredited Instructors, ensuring high-quality instruction.

2020: The program continued to grow, with more institutions incorporating AWS Academy courses into their curricula and offering students the opportunity to earn AWS certifications.

2021: AWS Academy maintained its commitment to addressing the demand for cloud skills by updating and enhancing its curriculum, preparing students for real-world cloud challenges.

Today, AWS Academy serves as a vital bridge between educational institutions and the cloud computing industry. It enables students to acquire in-demand cloud computing skills and prepares them for AWS certifications, opening doors to exciting career opportunities.

AWS Products and Services

AWS offers almost 200 plus a vast array of cloud computing products and services to cater to the diverse needs of organizations and individuals. Some of the core AWS services and product categories include:

1. Compute Services: 

   – Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) for scalable virtual servers.

   – AWS Lambda for serverless computing.

   – Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service) for container management.

2. Storage and Databases:

   – Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) for object storage.

   – Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) for managed databases.

   – Amazon DynamoDB for NoSQL database management.

3. Networking:

   – Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) for network isolation.

   – Amazon Route 53 for domain name system (DNS) web services.

   – AWS Direct Connect for dedicated network connections.

4. Security and Identity:

   – AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for access control.

   – AWS Key Management Service (KMS) for encryption key management.

   – AWS Certificate Manager for SSL/TLS certificates.

5. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence:

   – Amazon SageMaker for building, training, and deploying machine learning models.

   – Amazon Rekognition for image and video analysis.

   – Amazon Polly for text-to-speech conversion.

6. Developer Tools:

   – AWS CodeCommit for source code management.

   – AWS CodeBuild for continuous integration.

   – AWS CodeDeploy for automated deployment.

7. Analytics:

   – Amazon Redshift for data warehousing.

   – Amazon EMR (Elastic MapReduce) for big data processing.

   – Amazon Quicksight for business intelligence and data visualization.

8. Internet of Things (IoT):

   – AWS IoT Core for IoT device connectivity.

   – AWS IoT Greengrass for IoT edge computing.

   – Amazon FreeRTOS for embedded microcontroller devices.

9. Containers and Serverless:

   – Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) for container orchestration.

   – AWS Fargate for serverless container management.

   – AWS App Runner for building and running containerized web applications.

10. Migration and Transfer:

    – AWS Snowball for data migration.

    – AWS Database Migration Service for database migrations.

    – AWS DataSync for data transfer to and from AWS.

These are just a fraction of the services AWS provides, and the AWS ecosystem continues to expand to meet the evolving needs of the cloud computing industry. AWS’s global reach, reliability, and extensive service offerings make it a dominant force in cloud technology.

The Need for Cloud Computing Skills

As the world shifts towards digitalization and cloud-based services, the demand for cloud computing expertise is growing across industries. Businesses are looking for cloud professionals who can architect, manage, and secure cloud infrastructures. This demand extends to Bangladesh, where companies are adopting cloud solutions to stay competitive and agile in the modern business landscape.

AWS Academy: A Solution to Bridge the Skills Gap

The AWS Academy program is designed to address the growing demand for cloud skills by providing educators with the resources to teach cloud computing effectively. By integrating AWS Academy into the diploma sector in Bangladesh, institutions can equip students with the knowledge and hands-on experience required to meet industry demands. Here’s why AWS Academy is a game-changer:

1. Comprehensive Curriculum: AWS Academy offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers cloud computing, storage, database, networking, and more. It prepares students to tackle real-world challenges by providing them with a deep understanding of AWS services and best practices.

2. Hands-On Labs: Practical experience is essential for mastering cloud computing. AWS Academy provides access to hands-on labs that allow students to apply their knowledge by working with AWS services in a controlled environment.

3. Industry-Recognized Certifications: With AWS Academy, students have the opportunity to earn AWS certifications, such as AWS Certified Solutions Architect (Associate and Professional), AWS Certified Developer, and more. These certifications are highly regarded by employers and can significantly enhance students’ job prospects.

4. Faculty Development: AWS Academy offers resources for faculty development, ensuring that educators are well-equipped to teach cloud computing effectively. This empowers them to deliver high-quality education to their students.

5. Connection to the Industry: Through AWS Academy, educational institutions can establish connections with AWS and its extensive network of partners. This can lead to internship opportunities, guest lectures, and collaboration on research projects.

Benefits for Students

Introducing AWS Academy into the diploma sector in Bangladesh can bring a host of benefits to students:

Enhanced Career Prospects: AWS-certified professionals are in high demand globally. Graduates with AWS Academy training will be well-positioned to secure high-paying jobs in the cloud computing industry.

Hands-On Experience: The program’s emphasis on practical labs and real-world scenarios ensures that students are ready to handle the challenges they will encounter in the workplace.

– Access to a Global Network: AWS Academy provides access to AWS’s vast network of partners and customers. Students can connect with potential employers and gain insights from industry leaders.

Career Mobility: Cloud computing skills are transferable across various industries, offering students the flexibility to work in areas like healthcare, finance, education, and more.

The Application Process

To implement AWS Academy in the diploma sector in Bangladesh, educational institutions can follow these steps:

1. Visit the [AWS Academy Institution Application page] (

2. Fill out the application form, providing details about your institution, including the name, location, and contact information.

3. Submit the application for review by AWS Academy.

4. Once your institution’s application is approved, proceed to enroll educators in AWS Academy courses.

5. Educators will undergo training and certification to become AWS Academy accredited instructors.

6. With accredited instructors in place, integrate AWS Academy courses into the curriculum for students to enroll.

7. Provide the necessary infrastructure for students to access AWS services and hands-on labs.

8. Students can enroll in AWS Academy courses, gain access to the comprehensive curriculum, and start their journey toward becoming proficient in cloud computing.

AWS Certification and Job Demand

The demand for AWS-certified professionals is significant both locally and abroad. AWS offers multiple certification levels, each catering to different skill sets and career paths. Here’s a glimpse of the job sector and demand for AWS certifications:

Local Demand (Bangladesh):

Bangladesh’s business landscape is evolving, with many companies adopting cloud computing solutions, including AWS, to enhance their operations. As a result, there is a growing demand for AWS-certified professionals in the local job market. Companies in various sectors, including IT, e-commerce, finance, and healthcare, are actively seeking cloud experts to help them migrate to the cloud, optimize their infrastructure, and ensure data security.

Certification Levels:

1. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner: This is an entry-level certification that provides a foundational understanding of AWS services. It’s suitable for individuals with non-technical or technical backgrounds who want to demonstrate their cloud knowledge.

2. AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate: This certification is for individuals who design distributed systems on the AWS platform. It’s ideal for those interested in architectural roles.

3. AWS Certified Developer – Associate: Targeted at developers, this certification validates your ability to develop applications on the AWS platform.

4. AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate: Focusing on system operations, this certification is designed for systems administrators who manage and maintain AWS resources.

5. AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional: This certification is for experienced DevOps engineers who focus on continuous delivery and automation.

Salaries (Bangladesh):

The salary range for AWS-certified professionals in Bangladesh can vary based on factors such as experience, certification level, and the specific role. Entry-level positions, such as Cloud Support Associate or Junior Cloud Engineer, can expect salaries ranging from BDT 20,000 to BDT 40,000 per month. With more experience and advanced certifications, professionals can earn significantly higher, with senior cloud architects and engineers commanding salaries ranging from BDT 60,000 to BDT 150,000 or more per month.

International Demand:

AWS certifications are globally recognized and highly regarded in the international job market. AWS professionals are sought after by organizations around the world, making AWS certification holders marketable beyond Bangladesh’s borders. Many multinational companies and global tech giants require AWS expertise to manage their cloud infrastructure and services.

Certification Levels (International):

Internationally, AWS certifications are highly sought after across various job roles, and they can lead to lucrative career opportunities. The AWS certifications mentioned above are widely recognized, and individuals holding these certifications are in demand for positions such as Cloud Solutions Architect, DevOps Engineer, and Cloud Developer.

Salaries (Abroad):

Salaries for AWS-certified professionals abroad can be quite lucrative. In countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, AWS Solution Architects and DevOps Engineers can earn salaries ranging from $70,000 to $150,000 or more per year. Senior roles with extensive experience and multiple certifications can command even higher salaries.

The AWS Academy Journey of Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

Daffodil Polytechnic Institute embarked on its AWS Academy journey on July 31, 2023, by securing institute-level affiliation. This marked a significant milestone for the institute as it paved the way for offering AWS Academy courses to its students. The journey began with a vision to empower students with cutting-edge cloud computing skills and AWS certifications.

Key Milestones in Daffodil Polytechnic Institute’s AWS Academy Journey:

July 31, 2023: Daffodil Polytechnic Institute secured institute-level affiliation with AWS Academy.

Educator Enrollment: The Chief Point of Contact (CPOC) at the institute initiated the process of educator enrollment. This involved identifying and enrolling educators who would undergo training and become AWS Academy Accredited Instructors.

AWS Academy Launch Webinar: To kickstart the AWS Academy program, Daffodil Polytechnic Institute organized a special webinar. The webinar featured a distinguished keynote speaker, Mr. Mohammad Mahdee Uz Zaman, AWS Solution Architect , Founder of Cloud Camp Bangladesh and an Amazon Web Services Leader. Mr. Zaman’s insights and expertise added tremendous value to the event, inspiring students and educators alike. First AWS Academy Educator of Daffodil Polytechnic Institute Mr. Muhammad Shahidul Islam conducted the Webinar Session.  

Student Enrollment: Following the webinar, the institute opened enrollment for AWS Academy courses. Students were given the opportunity to gain access to AWS-authorized curriculum, hands-on labs, and a path to AWS certifications.

Daffodil Polytechnic Institute’s AWS Academy journey is a testament to its commitment to providing students with high-quality cloud computing education. By offering AWS Academy courses, the institute is not only enhancing the skills and employability of its students but also contributing to the growth of the cloud computing industry in Bangladesh.

In conclusion, implementing AWS Academy in the diploma sector in Bangladesh is a strategic move to bridge the skills gap in cloud computing. It prepares students for the digital future, empowers them with hands-on experience, and enhances their career prospects. By embracing AWS Academy, educational institutions can play a pivotal role in shaping a workforce that is not only competitive on a global scale but also capable of driving innovation in the digital landscape.

Muhammad Shahidul Islam

Sr. Instructor & AWS Academy Educator 

Daffodil Polytechnic Institute


Boost Your Website’s Visibility: Essential SEO Strategies for 2023

In today’s digital landscape, search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for the success of any website. With ever-evolving algorithms and increasing competition, staying on top of the latest SEO strategies is essential to boost your website’s visibility and drive organic traffic. In this blog post, we will explore the most effective SEO techniques and provide you with practical tips to optimize your website for 2023.

  • Conduct Thorough Keyword Research: Keywords are the foundation of SEO. Start by identifying relevant keywords and key phrases that your target audience is likely to use when searching for products or services similar to yours. Utilize keyword research tools to determine search volume, competition, and long-tail keywords to target.
  • Optimize On-Page Elements: Optimize your website’s on-page elements to ensure search engines understand your content and its relevance. Focus on optimizing page titles, meta descriptions, headings (H1, H2, etc.), and URL structures. Incorporate target keywords naturally into your content while maintaining readability. 
  • Create High-Quality and Engaging Content: Publishing high-quality, informative, and engaging content is crucial for SEO success. Write comprehensive articles, blog posts, and guides that provide value to your audience. Include relevant keywords naturally in your content, but avoid keyword stuffing. Incorporate multimedia elements such as images, videos, and infographics to enhance user experience. 
  • Optimize for Mobile Devices: Mobile optimization is no longer optional; it’s a necessity. With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, search engines prioritize mobile-friendly websites. Ensure your website is responsive and provides a seamless browsing experience across different devices. Optimize page loading speed, use responsive design, and consider implementing Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) for faster loading times.
  • Focus on User Experience (UX): Search engines value user experience, so make sure your website is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Improve site architecture, use clear and intuitive navigation menus, and optimize internal linking to enhance user experience. Provide relevant and easily accessible information to keep visitors engaged and encourage them to explore further.
  • Build High-Quality Backlinks: Backlinks remain an essential factor for SEO success. Focus on acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable websites in your industry. Develop a link building strategy that includes guest posting, influencer outreach, and partnerships. Create compelling and shareable content that naturally attracts backlinks from authoritative sources.
  • Leverage Social Media and Online Presence: Social media signals play a role in SEO rankings, so establish a strong presence on relevant platforms. Share your content, engage with your audience, and encourage social sharing. Optimize your social media profiles and ensure consistent branding across different channels. Utilize social media advertising and influencer collaborations to amplify your reach.
  • Monitor and Analyze Performance: Regularly monitor and analyze your website’s performance using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Track keyword rankings, organic traffic, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Identify areas for improvement and adjust your SEO strategies accordingly.

In an increasingly competitive online landscape, implementing effective SEO strategies is vital for your website’s visibility and success. By conducting thorough keyword research, optimizing on-page elements, creating high-quality content, optimizing for mobile devices, focusing on user experience, building high-quality backlinks, leveraging social media, and monitoring performance, you can enhance your website’s SEO and drive organic traffic. Stay up to date with the latest SEO trends and adapt your strategies accordingly to stay ahead of the competition.

Muhammad Shahidul Islam

Sr.Instructor of Computer Technology

Daffodil Polytechnic Institute


The Importance of Mindfulness for Students in Bangladesh

The Importance of Mindfulness for Students in Bangladesh

As I have been serving as a teacher for several years, I have observed that students in our country are under immense pressure to succeed academically. With a highly competitive education system and limited opportunities, it can be easy for students to feel overwhelmed and stressed. However, practicing mindfulness can help students stay focused and centered, and ultimately lead to greater success.

  1. What is Mindfulness? 

Mindfulness is the practice of being present and fully engaged in the current moment, without judgment or distraction. This means paying attention to your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, and staying focused on the task at hand.

  1. How Does Mindfulness Work?

Mindfulness works by training the brain to focus on the present moment, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. This involves paying attention to one’s thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations without judgment, and acknowledging them without becoming overwhelmed by them. By practicing mindfulness regularly, students in Bangladesh can develop a greater sense of self-awareness and learn to manage their thoughts and emotions in a more constructive way.

Studies have shown that mindfulness can actually change the brain’s neural pathways, resulting in increased activity in regions associated with positive emotions and decreased activity in regions associated with negative emotions. This can lead to a greater sense of well-being and reduced stress levels. Additionally, mindfulness has been found to have a positive impact on the immune system, resulting in improved physical health.

In short, mindfulness works by rewiring the brain to focus on the present moment and manage thoughts and emotions in a more positive and constructive way. With regular practice, students in Bangladesh can reap the many benefits of mindfulness and improve their overall well-being.

  1. Importance of Mindfulness for Students in Bangladesh

There are several benefits of mindfulness for students in Bangladesh, including:

  • Improved academic performance: When students practice mindfulness, they learn to tune out distractions and stay focused on their studies, which can lead to improved academic performance.
  • Reduced stress and anxiety: Mindfulness can help students manage the stress and anxiety that often comes with a highly competitive education system.
  • Increased self-awareness: By practicing mindfulness, students can become more aware of their thoughts and emotions, and develop a greater sense of self-awareness.
  • Improved mental health: Mindfulness can also improve mental health by reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

According to a report published by the Dhaka Tribune, the demand for mindfulness and meditation programs has increased by 50% in the last five years in Bangladesh. The report highlights that people from various backgrounds, including students, professionals, and homemakers, are seeking mindfulness practices to improve their mental health and well-being. The report suggests that the increasing demand for mindfulness programs in Bangladesh indicates a growing awareness of the importance of mental health and well-being.

  1. How to Practice Mindfulness: There are several ways that students in Bangladesh can practice mindfulness, including:
  • Meditation: Taking a few minutes each day to meditate can help students stay centered and focused.
  • Breathing exercises: Deep breathing exercises can help students calm their minds and reduce stress.
  • Mindful eating: Eating mindfully, by paying attention to the taste, texture, and aroma of food, can help students develop a greater appreciation for the present moment.
  • Mindful walking: Taking a walk and being fully present at the moment can help students reduce stress and improve their mental health.

In conclusion, mindfulness is a valuable tool for students in Bangladesh that can help them stay focused, reduce stress, and ultimately achieve greater academic success. As a teacher, I encourage my students to practice mindfulness regularly, and I have seen firsthand the positive impact it can have on their lives. By taking just a few minutes each day to practice mindfulness, students in Bangladesh can improve their mental health and overall well-being. So, I urge all students to give mindfulness a try and see the positive effects for themselves.

Benojir Tabassum


Business Studies

Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

Reference: Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences. Mindfulness: A Promising Tool for Mental Health Promotion (2021).


Relation between detail area plan & working drawing

A detailed area plan and a working drawing are two different types of drawings used in the field of architecture and engineering section. However, there is a relationship between them as they provide important information about a construction project.

Detail area plan:

A detailed area plan is a type of architectural or engineering drawing that provides an overview of a specific area, such as a building floor, site or landscape. It is a detailed graphical representation that includes all the important information about the area, including the location of walls, doors, windows, and other structural elements.

A detailed area plan can also include information about the materials and finishes to be used in the area, as well as the dimensions and measurements of each element. It is typically used by architects, designers, and engineers to communicate their design ideas to clients, stakeholders, and contractors.

                                                                         Fig: Detail area plan

Working Drawing Plan:

Architectural working drawings are technical drawings created by architects and architectural drafters that provide detailed and precise information about the design of a building. These drawings are used to communicate design specifications and construction details to contractors, builders, and other professionals involved in the construction process.

Architectural working drawings typically include floor plans, elevations, sections, and details. Floor plans show the layout of the building and the location of walls, doors, windows, and other elements. Elevations show the vertical appearance of the building and the location of the doors, windows, and other openings. Sections show a cut-through view of the building, which reveals the interior structure and details. Details provide specific information about the construction and materials used for various building elements, such as the roof, walls, and foundation.

Architectural working drawings serve as a critical communication tool between the design team and the construction team, ensuring that the building is constructed according to the designer’s specifications and requirements. They are also important for obtaining necessary permits and approvals from local authorities and for estimating project costs.

                                                                        Fig: working drawing plan

Relation between detail area plan & working drawing plan:

The detail area plan is a type of drawing that provides detailed information about a specific area or component of a building, while working drawings are a set of technical illustrations that provide precise and accurate information about the design and construction of a building. The detail area plan is typically included as part of the set of working drawings, and it provides a more detailed view of a particular area or feature than is shown in other types of drawings. Both detail area plans and working drawings are important tools for architects and builders, as they provide essential information about the design and construction of a building. 

In summary, the detail area plan is a type of working drawing that provides detailed information about a specific area or feature of the building. It is a component of the set of working drawings that is used to provide precise and accurate information about the design and construction of the building.

                                                                                                                                                            Reference- Google


Shanta Islam

Architecture/AIDT Department

Instructor, Daffodil Polytechnic Institute


Making a Successful Resume and Cover Letter for Bangladeshi Diploma Engineers

Having a strong CV and cover letter is essential while trying to land a job as a diploma engineer in Bangladesh. You can stand out from the competition and improve your chances of being noticed by potential employers by creating a powerful resume and cover letter. The following advice will be to create a resume and cover letter that will stand out.

Create a resume and cover letter specifically for the position you’re looking for. Spend some time researching the position you are looking for before you begin to write your resume and cover letter. Find out what qualities and talents the company is looking for, and make sure to highlight them in your cover letter and CV. This will demonstrate to the company that you are aware of the job’s criteria and that you possess the qualifications they are seeking in a candidate.

For instance, if you’re seeking a position in textile engineering, be sure to emphasize your familiarity with fabric testing, quality control, and textile production procedures. In your resume, if you’re searching for a position in computer engineering, be sure to emphasize your knowledge of coding languages and software development tools. 

Emphasize your understanding of project management, safety laws, and building materials when applying for positions in civil engineering.

Consider your accomplishments rather than just your work responsibilities.

Instead of merely seeing a list of your obligations, employers want to know what you have actually done in past positions. Make careful to draw attention to particular accomplishments that showcase your talents and abilities while writing your resume and cover letter. Included here are any accomplishments that demonstrate your prospective worth to the company, such as projects you’ve finished, accolades you’ve won, or other recognition.

If you are a textile engineer, for instance, you may discuss a project where you improved the production procedure to decrease waste and boost efficiency. If you are a computer engineer, describe a project where you created new software that increased productivity or fixed a particular issue. Mention a project where you planned and managed the construction of a building or piece of infrastructure if you are a civil engineer.

Use the job description’s terms and phrases.

Many businesses analyze cover letters and resume for particular words and phrases using automated algorithms. Use keywords and phrases from the job description in your cover letter and CV to improve your chances of being found by these algorithms.

This will demonstrate to the company that you possess the abilities and credentials they are seeking.

Make sure to highlight your expertise with CAD software in your resume and cover letter, for instance, if the job description stresses the requirement for understanding of CAD software for textile engineering. Make sure to mention your experience with Java programming in your resume and cover letter if the job description highlights the requirement for Java programming skills for computer engineering. Make sure to indicate your familiarity with building codes in your resume and cover letter if the job description highlights the requirement for understanding building codes for civil engineers.

Draw attention to your soft abilities.

In addition to technical skills and qualifications, employers are also looking for candidates with strong soft skills. Soft skills are personal attributes that enable you to interact effectively with others and include skills like communication, teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving.

Make sure to highlight your soft skills in your resume and cover letter. For example, if you’re a textile engineer, mention your ability to work effectively in a team environment and your strong communication skills. If you’re a computer engineer, mention your ability to troubleshoot problems and your experience leading a team of developers. If you’re a civil engineer, mention your experience with project management and your ability to work under pressure.

Use a professional format and design.

Finally, make sure that your resume and cover letter have a professional format and design.

Highlight Your Technical Abilities: Demonstrating your technical abilities in your resume may have a big influence. Technical skills are essential for diploma engineers in Bangladesh. An architect, for instance, would promote their proficiency with AutoCAD, Revit, and SketchUp, whereas an automobile engineer might do so by highlighting their familiarity with automotive software like MATLAB and Simulink.

Display Your Professional Success: Employers in Bangladesh are interested in applicants who have contributed significantly to their prior businesses. For instance, civil engineers can discuss their involvement in the planning of a significant infrastructure project or their contribution to the creation of a new technology. These accomplishments can help you stand out from the competition and enhance your candidacy.

Employers in Bangladesh frequently use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to review resumes, so make use of the keywords from the job description. Include pertinent keywords from the job description in your resume and cover letter to boost your chances of being called in for an interview. An electrical engineer, for instance, may use the terms “power distribution,” “control systems,” and “circuit design” to highlight their proficiency.

Personalize Your Cover Letter and Resume: Employers in Bangladesh value candidates who take the time to tailor their application materials to the particulars of the position because every job application is different.

. For instance, a car engineer asking for a research and development post might emphasize their prototype and testing experience, whereas an architect engineer applying for a project management position can emphasize their leadership and organizational abilities.

Strong action verbs should be included in your resume and cover letter to demonstrate your abilities and expertise. Use stronger verbs like “designed,” “implemented,” and “managed” in place of weak verbs like “assisted” or “worked on.” A civil engineer, for instance, may use the action verb “oversaw” to indicate their function as a team leader of construction workers.

You may increase your chances of getting hired as a diploma engineer in Bangladesh by including these suggestions in your resume and cover letter, regardless of whether you have a professional background in architectural engineering, civil engineering, or car engineering.


Electronics For You: The Ultimate Resource for Electronics Enthusiasts

Electronics is a vast and rapidly-evolving field that encompasses everything from circuit design and programming to IoT and automation. With so much to learn and keep up with, it can be challenging for electronics enthusiasts to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies. That’s where Electronics For You comes in.

Electronics For You is a comprehensive resource for electronics enthusiasts of all levels. Whether you’re a hobbyist, a student, or a professional engineer, you’ll find something of value on this blog. From articles on circuit design and programming to news about the latest electronics products and technologies, Electronics For You covers it all.

One of the main strengths of Electronics For You is its coverage of circuit design. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re an experienced engineer, you’ll find articles and tutorials that are tailored to your level of expertise. For beginners, there are articles on basic circuit concepts, such as voltage, current, and resistance. For more advanced readers, there are articles on topics like PCB layout and signal integrity.

In addition to circuit design, Electronics For You also covers programming, which is an essential skill for anyone who wants to work in electronics. Whether you’re interested in embedded systems programming or software development, you’ll find articles that cover everything from the basics of coding to advanced techniques and tools.

Another area that Electronics For You covers extensively is the Internet of Things (IoT). With more and more devices being connected to the internet every day, it’s becoming increasingly important for electronics enthusiasts to understand how IoT works and how to develop IoT-enabled devices. Electronics For You provides a wealth of information on IoT, including articles on IoT architecture, protocols, and security.

Of course, staying up-to-date with the latest electronics products and technologies is also important, and Electronics For You excels in this area as well. The blog features news and reviews of the latest electronics products, including everything from microcontrollers and sensors to smartphones and laptops.

Overall, Electronics For You is an essential resource for anyone who is interested in electronics. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced engineer, you’ll find something of value on this blog. So if you’re looking to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in electronics, be sure to check out Electronics For You.

Electronics For You has been around since 1969, and it has a long history of providing valuable content to electronics enthusiasts. The blog is published by EFY Enterprises Pvt. Ltd., which is based in India. EFY Enterprises is a leading publisher of electronics magazines, books, and other resources, and Electronics For You is one of their flagship publications.

One of the things that sets Electronics For You apart from other electronics blogs is its focus on practical, hands-on content. The blog features articles and tutorials that are designed to help readers learn by doing. For example, there are articles on building your own projects, using open-source tools, and troubleshooting common problems.

Electronics For You also has a strong community aspect. The blog features a forum where readers can ask questions, share their own projects, and connect with other electronics enthusiasts. There are also regular contests and challenges that encourage readers to build and share their own projects.

In addition to the blog, Electronics For You also publishes a monthly magazine that covers a wide range of electronics topics. The magazine features in-depth articles, interviews with industry experts, and reviews of the latest electronics products. There are also special editions of the magazine that focus on specific topics, such as robotics, embedded systems, and power electronics.

Overall, Electronics For You is a comprehensive resource that covers all aspects of electronics, from circuit design and programming to IoT and automation. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced engineer, you’ll find valuable information and resources on this blog. So if you’re passionate about electronics and want to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, be sure to check out Electronics For You.

Written By,

Pulak Biswas

Instructor, Electrical Technology.

Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.


Save Time to Construct a Building (Part – 2)

Expenditure in Different Sectors

New construction work often has a problem where the developer who did the construction does not offer consultancy or interior design, forcing the owner to resort to a new firm. The whole thing is time-consuming, troublesome, and in some cases expensive. To avoid this problem, the developer should choose an agency that provides all kinds of facilities in construction, consultancy, or interior design.

Does fast construction offer a way out of conventional problems? The first thing to keep in mind when constructing a new building these days is to meet the needs of investors and developers, design teams need to design the building in a way that helps the contractor to develop fast and efficient construction strategies to make the project profitable. These needs can be met through fast construction. Fast construction has become popular in our country with time. Although working with this method is very challenging and not completely risk-free, this construction method has several advantages.


There is no room for overspending in this method as the budget is fixed before the work starts. Rather, it is possible for the owner to invest in other sectors while keeping an eye on the budget during the work. For example, in the case of health-related facilities, the owner can reduce the construction budget and instead spend on more modern medical equipment. Because of the short planning time, both the owner and the contractor can calculate what the costs will be, so they can be prepared in advance. In fast construction, you can be freed from the two situations of not collecting money in the middle or overspending of the budget. It is most cost-effective to rely on an organization that can undertake the task of completing the construction work quickly while maintaining quality standards. Normally there is a tendency to change the design or other details in the middle of the construction work, this is not the case during fast construction. Rather, in this case, all the design and planning work is fixed at the very beginning, so that there is no need to make any new changes in the middle of the work.


The biggest advantage of fast construction system is that the commercial work can be started quickly after the construction of the building is completed. It is natural that the faster the ability to reach the market or the customer society can be achieved, the faster the organization will see the business profit. For example, in the case of telecommunication or information technology providers, it may be the case that reaching customers with services before competitors are ready. Again, in the health sector, it may be to provide the latest equipment or to acquire the ability to provide quick patient care. First of all, they need to complete the construction of the building. That’s why if the construction work can be completed as soon as possible, then it is possible for the business to enter the market quickly.

Cost Savings

Due to fast construction, incidental costs naturally come down due to faster completion of building work. Although slightly risky, fast tracking is the most effective way to reduce construction time. This method accomplishes work by starting tasks that need to be done sequentially at the same time and maintaining consistency between them. It is the responsibility of the construction manager to keep the cost figures in line with the progress of the design work.

An experienced team with good communication skills basically keeps the budget within reach. Firms experienced in fast construction provide solutions to all problems under one roof. In other words, they can easily take care of all matters as they have skilled manpower to undertake consultancy and interior designing along with building construction. And due to working together, the cost comes down a bit. Due to these reasons, fast construction is becoming popular among industrial and commercial organizations to get the best construction solution quickly within a limited budget.


Md. Asaduzzaman Russel

Architecture & Civil Technology

Daffodil Polytechnic Institute


Save Time to Construct a Building (Part – 1)

The speed of economic development of Bangladesh is increasing in keeping with the rest of the world. New business ventures and investments are constantly coming to the market, experienced entrepreneurs are also expanding their operations. All in all, Bangladesh is currently passing through the most important period in its history of economic development. The need for private offices for businesses as a base for large-scale new ventures and investments cannot be overemphasized.

However, it is a very difficult decision for everyone to build their own building or move to a new office or rebuild an old office in terms of time and funding. If the construction of each building is time-consuming and expensive at the same time, then large business companies or groups have to face thousands of problems. In today’s era, fast construction is the most modern solution to the various obstacles faced by the owner in constructing or renovating an industrial or commercial building. Before talking about that, let’s take a look at what are the most common problems in the construction work of our country.


Contingency is a very common occurrence during construction work. Most of the time the cost of new construction or renovation exceeds the predetermined budget. And sometimes the owner is not satisfied with the finished work, they think that the work is not good in proportion to the cost! Even after having the estimated cost calculation given by the contractor, the market price of the materials, all the cost calculations, when it is seen that the cost is more than the initial calculation over time or the money cannot be collected in the middle – then both the owner-contractor parties are in trouble. And the easiest way to avoid this trouble is to complete the construction work quickly while maintaining the quality.


There are also situations where the budget is not a problem, the owner is able to afford all the construction costs, but the contractor is the ghost. Maybe they are not punctual, maybe their behavior is very unprofessional. Whatever the reason, ultimately it is the owner who bears the brunt of the mistake. Especially if you are short on time, it is better to research the company you are hiring in advance rather than run the risk of screwing up midway.


Lack of time is always a major problem in construction. Usually, during the long period of construction, the office has to be relocated to a temporary location, thereby halting much needed work. Lack of manpower, inefficiency of the contractor, adverse weather conditions or any accidents during the work etc. may take more time than the scheduled construction time. Therefore, if the competent contractor can guarantee the completion of the entire work in a very short time, is it not a better decision to give them the responsibility?

Quality of materials

If there is any problem with the quality of the materials used in the construction, it is noticed by the owner months or even years after the completion of the work. After realizing that the project has been done with substandard materials, there is really nothing to do but head over heels. Therefore, before starting the work, all kinds of inquiries should be made about the quality of the materials. And if those who are entrusted with the responsibility of construction, are fully aware of this, then that can be the best solution.



Md. Asaduzzaman Russel

Head of Department

Architecture & Civil Technology

Daffodil Polytechnic Institute