Daffodil Polytechnic Workshop for Garment Design and Pattern Making Technology

Daffodil Polytechnic Workshop for Garment Design and Pattern Making Technology

Daffodil Polytechnic Institute’s Department of Garment Design and Pattern Making Technology organized a workshop on Garments Pattern Design on 19th June, 2021.

Pattern making is a very important part of textile engineering education as a preliminary step in the manufacturing process of the readymade garment industry. Students gain practical knowledge of the process by participating in the workshop online.

The workshop was conducted by Ashfaqur Rahman, Instructor, Garment Design and Pattern Making Technology, Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.

Pattern Making

In stitching and fashion style, a pattern is the example from which the components of a garment are derived onto material before being cut out and assembled. Patterns are sometimes a product of paper, and are typically a product of sturdier materials like composition board or cardboard if they have to be additional strong to resist perennial use.  The method of creating or cutting patterns is typically condensed to the one-word Patternmaking, however it may also be written pattern(-)making or pattern cutting.

A sloper pattern (home sewing) or block pattern (industrial production) could be a custom-fitted, basic pattern from which patterns for several completely different designs are often developed. The method of adjusting the dimensions of a finished pattern is termed grading.

Several corporations, like Butterick and ease, specialise in merchandising pre-graded patterns on to customers UN agency can sew the patterns reception. Business consumer goods makers build their own patterns in-house as a part of their style and production method, sometimes using a minimum of one specialised maker. In tailor-made consumer goods, slopers and patterns should be developed for every shopper, whereas for business production, patterns are created to suit many customary body sizes.