
Consideratons of Designing of Water Consumption in Industrial Plants

We all know that water is life. But now when we look at our country, we see that water is being used in various ways, but no one has any trouble in purifying it. As a result, the water of canals, rivers and canals is polluted. Many times this water is also used as drinking water, resulting in various water borne diseases which end in excruciating pain or death. So the other name of water is not life but the other name of pure water is life and the other name of polluted water is death. Water is used in industries for various purposes which is taken from nature and after use it is returned to nature again. The importance of this water management is undeniable. My today’s writing is for those who work in the management of industrial factories.

Image Source 1: Encyclopedia Britannica

Consideratons of Designing of Water Consumption in Industrial Plants:

  • Every industrial plant must have some open space. As a result, along with all other needs, when rain water falls outside the building, it is absorbed by the soil and the roads, footpaths etc. are protected from waterlogging.
  • To keep a beautiful landscape design beautiful, it needs to be taken care of, there is no substitute for water. Therefore, if you can retain the natural water, it is possible to fill the lack of water in the fields, gardens, etc.
  • The water inside the industrial plant site can be discharged directly into the nature if it is rain water. This requires surface drainage. It must be designed by the expert professional.
  • Water management outside the building is just as important as water management inside. We use water inside the building for many things like toilets, bathing areas, hand washing or ablution areas, washing clothes, dyeing clothes, mixing different chemicals etc. The first thing to do is to reduce excess water consumption.
  • All the water used inside the building, mixed with paint and various chemicals and released into the nature, all the water must be purified and released and for this ETP (Effluent Treatment Plant) is required.
  • 6Where Effluent is not being used with water, ETP is not required. For example: toilet, bathroom, hand washing area, kitchen etc. But these waters also need to be purified, and for this STP (Sewage Treatment Plant) should be used.

                 Image Source 2: ISHN  (Industry Safety & Hygiene News)

  • Another method is used to maintain the quality of treated water. That is WTP (Water Treatment Plant). This method is most commonly used in our country.
  • Treated water can be reused in gardens, fields, trees, toilet flushes, etc. instead of being released into nature. It will be possible to reduce the wastage of water a lot. It is believed that the law will be used in the future as a whole. Which we call Zero Discharge.
  • Meters should be set at different places of the building where water is used and the amount of water used should be kept.
  • Fixer of certain quality should be used in toilet. For example, use of double flash commode, use of low flow-rate tape etc. Before addition, their use and quality should be confirmed and a certificate should be obtained from the manufacturer.
  • If there is a cooling tower, make-up water tank should be made by calculating the amount of water being used there.
  • How much water is being used continuously, what amount of water is being released to nature and what amount of water is being purified and reused should be measured.
  • Water quality (DO, PH, Color, BOD, COD etc.) should be checked.
  • Care should be taken that drinking water and water used for other purposes are kept separate.
  • 1 drinking water point for every 100 people and ensure that this point is at least 20 feet away from the toilet.


Md. Asaduzzaman Russel

Architecture & Civil Technology

Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

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